NFT Drops

NFT Drops

NFT mint

  • Issuance Method: This is the so-called Drops method. By paying a fixed amount of ETH, a random artwork will be issued (mint).
  • How to mint: Prepare ETH in the Metamask. Press the mint button in the UI below and follow the Metamask instructions to pay ETH to mint the NFT.
  • Other ways to get the NFT: You may be able to purchase artwork from other collectors on marketplaces such as Onpensea. Of course, you can also list your acquired artwork for sale.

Veiled War Maidens NFT project

The art project “Veiled War Maidens” is a collection of portraits of the Flame Lily Order and their rival warriors, created based on the original worldview and story.
These artworks are very different from the existing NFT art.

The artwork in this project differs from any of the generative NFTs that abound in the NFT market today. Unlike most generative NFTs, which automatically generate large numbers of artworks by combining several parts, the artworks in this project are AI-assisted art, created through a combination of AI and meticulous manual work, and each piece is unique in its own way, with unique expressions and intricate details.

Resolution: 2048 x 3072 (4K equivalent)

Well-built Metadata
It is not only the design of the works that makes them unique. The characters in each work have a high degree of identity, with 19 different parameters related to their combat The metadata allows us to imagine what the person’s personality is like and how they will perform in combat.

Whether you are looking for a beautifully colored works or a girl with the strongest ability value, it is up to you. We hope you enjoy the artwork!


Attributes (01.-07.) : Physical and cognitive ability values

Elements (08.-13.): Value indicating strong/weak ether elements

Inborn Ethereal Talents (14.-19.): Talents for handling ether are broadly classified into six different lineages and their distribution is shown. This talent is also said to correlate with personality.


Please note that depending on the rarity, there may be more than one NFT with the same image.
COMMON/ UNCOMMON has different ability values for the same image. It is a different personality with a similar appearance.
NFTs with the same image in RARE/SUPERIOR/EPIC are identical personalities with unique names, so their ability values are identical.